Blue Gene Consortium Meeting at SC 2012
In conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory, University of Rochester, and SciNet (University of Toronto),
IBM is hosting the
Blue Gene Consortium Meeting at SuperComputing 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2010 at 2:30-5:15pm
Arches room at the Sheraton SLC Hotel (150 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT)
Meeting Agenda
2:30 Reception
3:00 Welcome – Turek, IBM/ Coghlan, ANL
3:10 Consortium update – Coffey/Jordan
3:20 Early Science & New Directions-BG/Q
Data Intensive Computing (Fitch - IBM)
Early Science at the ALCF (Messina -ANL)
Blue Gene in Medical Research (Topham – U of Rochester)
New Directions - Hartree Centre with BG/Q (Mike Ashworth - Daresbury Laboratory)
Early Science from JUQUEEN (Wolfgang Frings - Juelich)
4:35 Panel Session – Ask the Experts –Early Glimpse into BG/Q
(Bob Walkup - IBM, Dave Richards - LLNL, Tim Williams - ANL, Brian Wylie - Juelich)
5:10 Wrap up and close, Coffey/Jordan