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Blue Gene Consortium Meeting at SC 2012

on Fri, 10/26/2012 - 16:31

In conjunction with Argonne National Laboratory, University of Rochester, and SciNet (University of Toronto),

IBM is hosting the 

Blue Gene Consortium Meeting at SuperComputing 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2010 at 2:30-5:15pm

Arches room at the Sheraton SLC Hotel (150 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT)

Meeting Agenda


2:30 Reception

3:00 Welcome – Turek, IBM/ Coghlan, ANL

3:10 Consortium update – Coffey/Jordan

3:20 Early Science & New Directions-BG/Q

Data Intensive Computing (Fitch - IBM)

Early Science at the ALCF (Messina -ANL)

Blue Gene in Medical Research (Topham – U of Rochester)

New Directions - Hartree Centre with BG/Q  (Mike Ashworth - Daresbury Laboratory)

Early Science from JUQUEEN (Wolfgang Frings - Juelich)


4:35 Panel Session – Ask the Experts –Early Glimpse into BG/Q

(Bob Walkup - IBM, Dave Richards - LLNL, Tim Williams - ANL, Brian Wylie - Juelich)

5:10 Wrap up and close, Coffey/Jordan